Benistar is a countrywide leader in the design, installation and administration of post-65 group retiree medical benefits. This company is mainly determined on the supervision of treatment drug and retiree medical plans. They work with professional people like brokers and consultants to offer a remarkable retiree prescription drug and medical solutions for multiple organizations and agencies such as religious sectors, educational agencies, labor unions and much more.
To meet their customer’s needs, Benistar is filled with expert team who is accountable for customer service support. The team has a comprehensive idea and expertise in Medical rules and regulations. It only denotes that they can easily make the experience effectively for various plan sponsors and members. Unlike others, Benistar provides consulting and administration services. They offer creative and affordable retiree benefit solutions to meet the unique expectations of individual plan sponsors and they also work with you to evaluate the current retiree program and know the best tactic to improve the program.

Additionally, Benistar’s retiree prescription drug plans are EGWP or Employee Group Waiver Plans, intended for multiple groups under Medicare Part D and their partners contract with the Centers for Medicaid or CMS and Medical Services to serve as a Medicare Part D Plan Sponsor. The plan handles compliance with CMS regulations when it comes to Part D plan. Since the company works with the most trusted insurance carriers to provide senior medical insurance programs, their offered medical plans provide seamless coverage for their retirees. There are various features of their programs and some of these are guaranteed issue, fully insured, no networks, spousal coverage, nationwide and flexible plan designs. Their programs are also electronic claims processing.
With the assistance of Benistar, consultants and brokers can immediately get the best and up-to-date solutions to their possible clients. They can offer the consulting services to help you in picking the best plan for your client. Upon asking their assistance, you will have more time to meet your new clients and the company’s ability to provide quality health plans makes your business more effective and money-spinning. The company will assist you throughout the whole process, with expert and fast quote processing and implementation. Additionally, their team understands the Medicare environment and therefore, they will manage every detail to guarantee that you can handle other aspects of your business. Do you want to know more about Benistar? Then, feel free to visit its main website or contact their authorized personnel now!